My research focuses on designing and fabricating reconfigurable nanophotonic devices using high quality factor metasurfaces for optical technologies, such as LiDAR, AR, VR, etc.
Metasurfaces are two dimensional optical components composed of subwavelength nanoantennas that allow us to control the propagation of light by altering its phase, amplitude, and polarization to replace large and bulky optical components. By miniaturizing these optical components, we hope to enable new nanophotonic devices for next generation optical technologies.
Additionally, I am interested in utilizing high-Q metasurfaces to enhance the efficiency of common and nanoscale scintillating materials to make more efficient detectors of high energy radiation for applications in medical imaging, environmental monitoring, and space exploration.
A thermally controlled high-Q metasurface lens. E Klopfer, HC Delgado, S Dagli, M Lawrence, JA Dionne, Applied Physics Letters 122 (22)
Very-Large-Scale Integrated High- Nanoantenna Pixels (VINPix)V Dolia, H Balch, S Dagli, S Abdollahramezani, H Carr Delgado, P Moradifar, Kai Chang, Ariel Stiber, Fareeha Safir, Mark Lawrence, Jack Hu, Jennifer A Dionne, arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08065