November 21: Cody’s work on heart cockles was published in Nature Communications! Read the paper, listen to Cody and colleagues discuss it on NPR, and check it out on The Economist.
November 15: We send off Alex with a 4-foot-long burrito at one last Treehouse Happy Hour – Alex wraps up his postdoc with us to join ExxonMobil in New Jersey. Best of luck!
November 12: Sahil has also passed his PhD defense! Congratulations!!!
November 4: Congratulations to Jason, who has successfully defended his PhD!!!
October 24: D-Lab participated in the CZI Bay Area Confab – Jason presented a lightning talk where he shared exciting science and landed laughs across the audience. Way to go, Jason!
September 30: D-Lab hosted women emerging leaders at Stanford in partnership with the 2024 TechWomen program. Thanks to Feng and Tingting for organizing!
September 20: Jen participated as a panelist on NNCI’s entrepreneurship webinar “From Lab to Launch: Stanford’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.” Watch the full webinar here!
September 11: Congratulations! Jen received the Otto Wolfbeis award at MAF 2024 in Valencia, Spain.
September 12: Welcome to Gijs, who joins us as a Visiting Master’s Student Researcher this year. We also bade farewell to Jaehyuck Jang, who returns to South Korea to start a position at Samsung!
August 30: Our summer undergrad researchers Charm and Danyela presented at the Matsci REU Symposium today. Well done!
August 7: We welcome two new postdocs, Serin and Yanyu, to D-Lab. Excited to have you both!
July 1: Hamish received the Best Poster award at the 2024 NanoPlasm conference in Cetraro, Italy. Way to go, Hamish!
June 26: D-Lab sends off Briley and Cody with a huge BBQ party. Best of luck to Briley as he joins the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and to Cody, as she joins UChicago Ecology & Evolution as Professor McCoy!
June 20: Arlene’s work on bacteria detection in wastewater is highlighted by the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. View the article and watch the video here!
November 4: Congratulations to Dayne, who leaves his postdoc at Stanford to become Professor Swearer at Northwestern!! We’ll miss you. Thanks to Briley for an awesome BBQ and authentic boudin!
October 29: Jen presents at the Nature Nanotechnology 15 year anniversary symposium. Thanks, Alberto Moscatelli for the invitation!
September 7: Congratulations to Dayne, Briley and Daniel on the publication of “Advancing plasmon-induced selectivity in chemical transformations with optically coupled transmission electron microscopy” in Accounts of Chemical Research! Read the article.
September 1: Welcome to new rotation students Varun, Matti, Hamish, and Amy! May your days at Stanford be filled with sunshine and rainbows 🙂
July 7: Congratulations to Shing Shing on the publication of “Interpretable Classification of Bacterial Raman Spectra with Knockoff Wavelets” in IEEE Xplore! Read the article.
July 1: The group welcomes its newest postdoctoral researcher, Cody McCoy, to Stanford and the D-lab!
June 16: The group welcomes Halleh Balch as a new postdoctoral researcher at Stanford and in the D-lab!
May 26: Jen presented the Marple-Schweitzer Lecture at Northwestern. Thanks to the Phi Lambda Upsilon honor society students for the nomination and terrific visit!
May 27: Jen presented at the Applied Materials Frontiers in Flat Optics Symposium! Thanks to the CTO group for the invitation and outstanding program!
May 17: Congratulations to Dayne on the publication of “Single Particle Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy with Sub-20 nm, Electron-Stable Phosphors” in ACS Photonics! Read the article.
April 29: Jen presented at the UC Berkeley Materials Science Seminar series. Thanks, Prof. Zak Al Balushi for the invitation!
April 26: Jen delivered the Nano Letters Global Lecture. Thanks to Profs. Teri Odom and Yi Cui for the invitation!
April 20: Jen presented a keynote talk at the MRS Spring meeting in the metasurface symposium. Thanks to Howard Lee, Artur Davoyan, Pin-Chieh Wu, and Dr. Junghyun Park for the invitation, and for organizing a great session!
April 6: Jen presented at the USC Photonics Seminar series. Thanks, Prof. Michelle Povinellei for the invitation!
April 6: Jen presented a plenary lecture at the Upcon meeting in Paris. Thanks to Prof. Niko Hildebrandt for organizing this virtual workshop!
March 25: Congratulations to Stefan and collaborators on the publication of “Dynamic lattice distortions driven by surface trapping in semiconductor nanocrystals” in Nature Communications! Read the article and press release.
March 23: Congratulations to Jefferson and collaborators on the publication of “Self-Isolated Raman Lasing with a Chiral Dielectric Metasurface” in Physical Review Letters! Read the article.
March 8: Congratulations to Alan for receiving a Best Student Presentation award at the 2020 MRS Fall Meeting!
February 16: Congratulations to David on the publication of “Wavefront shaping and modulation with resonant electro-optic phase gradient metasurfaces” in Applied Physics Letters! Read the article.
January 15: Congratulations to Katherine on the publication of “Driving energetically unfavorable dehydrogenation dynamics with plasmonics” in Science! Read the article and press release.
January 4: Jen presented at Stanford EM-X Symposium. View the recording here.
December 8: Jen presented at the UC Irvine Materials Science Seminar, and had outstanding discussions with students and faculty!
December 1: Jen presented a plenary lecture at MRS in the COVID symposium. Thanks to Prof. Jonathan Rivnay for the invitation!
November 5: Congratulations to Lisa, Mark, David, Stefanie and Jen on the publication of “Guided-Mode-Resonant Dielectric Metasurfaces for Colorimetric Imaging of Material Anisotropy in Fibrous Biological Tissue” in ACS Photonics!
October 30: Congratulations to David on the publication of “High-Q nanophotonics: sculpting wavefronts with slow light” in Nanophotonics!
October 16: Congratulations to Jason, Claire and Chris on the publication of “Lanthanide-Based Nanosensors: Refining Nanoparticle Responsiveness for Single Particle Imaging of Stimuli” in ACS Photonics!
October 13: Congratulations to Michelle on the publication of “Fluorescence-Detected Circular Dichroism of a Chiral Molecular Monolayer with Dielectric Metasurfaces” in the Journal of the American Chemical Society!
October 7: Jen is named an OSA Fellow for her contributions to nanophotonics! 2021 OSA Fellows.
September 25: The group welcomes Cindy Shi, Baba Ogunlade, Ariel Stiber and Kai Chang to Stanford and the D-lab!
September 23: Congratulations to John on the publication of “Helicity‐Preserving Metasurfaces for Magneto‐Optical Enhancement in Ferromagnetic [Pt/Co]N Films” in Advanced Optical Materials!
September 22: Lisa is joining the faculty of UCSD’s Jacob’s School of Engineering this fall as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations Lisa! Press Release.
September 11: Congratulations to Loza on the publication of “Plasmonic and electrostatic interactions enable uniformly-enhanced liquid bacterial surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)” in Nano Letters!
August 29: Congratulations to our alum, Hadiseh Alaeian, on starting her faculty position at Purdue! You’ll be great, Prof. Alaeian!
August 25: Congratulations to Stefan and Chris on the publication of “Bright infrared to ultraviolet and visible upconversion in small alkaline earth-based nanoparticles with biocompatible CaF2 shells” in Angewandte Chemie!
August 24: Claire is named an OSA Ambassador. Congratulations Claire! Read the feature and watch her video.
August 17: Congratulations to Mark and David on the publication of “High quality factor phase gradient metasurfaces” in Nature Nanotechnology and highlight in Stanford News!
August 16: Harsha Eragamreddy joins the Dionne group as its newest Post Doctoral Researcher!
August 6: Congratulations to Amr and Daniel on the publication of “Electron- and light-induced stimulated Raman spectroscopy for nanoscale molecular mapping” in Physical Review B!
August 1: Hendrik Utzat joins the Dionne group as its newest Post Doctoral Researcher!
July 1: Congratulations to Katherine for successfully defending her thesis!
July 1: Sophia Cheng joins the Dionne group as its newest Post Doctoral Researcher!
June 30: Jen is named the Senior Associate Vice Provost of Research for Platforms/Shared Facilities!
June 29: Congratulations to Jefferson on being featured in “Stories of Pride,” published in SPIE. Pride Month Conversations! Related tweet.
June 29: Congratulations to Michelle for successfully defending her thesis!
June 15: Michelle is selected as an OSA 2020-21 Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow. Congratulations Michelle! Press Release.
June 10: Mark will join the faculty of the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis this fall as Assistant Professor of Electrical & Systems Engineering. Congratulations Mark! Press Release.
June 4: Congratulations to Elissa on the publication of “Dynamic Focusing with High-Quality-Factor Metalenses” in Nano Letters!
June 1: Fareeha Safir joins the Dionne group as its newest member and as a co-advisee with Professor Khuri-Yakub in Electrical Engineering!
May 20: Congratulations to Loza on the acceptance of the manuscript “Towards Rapid Infectious Disease Diagnosis with Advances in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy” for publication in The Journal of Chemical Physics!
April 8: D-Lab keeps at the forefront of science and fun with virtual meetings!
April 1: Yin Liu joins the Dionne group as its newest Post Doctoral Researcher!
March 30: Congratulations to Briley Bourgeois and Sahil Dagli for being awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships!
March 2: Congratulations to Loza and co-collaborator Fareeha Safir for winning best poster at the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Program Poster Session!
February 24: Congratulations to Fariah on the publication of “Revealing multiple classes of stable quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride with correlated optical and electron microscopy” in Nature Materials! Read the press release and Nat Mats News and Views article!
February 6-7: Jen participates in the NSF’s 70th anniversary symposium in Washington D.C.
January 31: Congratulations to Amr and Daniel on their paper, “Electron and Light Induced Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy for Nanoscale Molecular Mapping!” ArXiv preprint.
January 15: Stanford Engineering features the Catalyst group’s work on developing a new process for rapidly and sensitively detecting bacteria! Article.
January 8: Congratulations to Michelle and Amr on the publication of “Nanophotonic Platforms for Chiral Sensing and Separation” in Accounts of Chemical Research!
January 7: Jen presents at Physics of Quantum Electronics Colloquium, PQE-2020, in Snowbird, Utah.
December 5: Jen presents at the Molecular Frontiers Meeting, Light at the Nanoscale at Chalmers University of Technology.
December 3: David receives a Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award. Congratulations David!
November 27: Claire receives a Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute Interdisciplinary Scholar Award. Congratulations Claire!
November 20: Jen gives a colloquium talk for the Physics Department at Washington University in St. Louis. Thank you Mike Ogilvie for the invitation!
November 13: Congratulations to Jack on the publication of “High Quality Factor Dielectric Metasurfaces for Ultraviolet Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy” in ACS Photonics!
November 12: Congratulations to Fariah Hayee for successfully defending her thesis!
October 31: Lisa is named a L’Oreal 2019 for Women in Science Fellow. Congratulations Lisa! See the press release and video.
October 30: Loza attends the Annual Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Meeting in Ethiopia. Congratulations Loza!
October 30: Congratulations to Shing Shing on the publication of “Rapid identification of pathogenic bacteria using Raman spectroscopy and deep learning” in Nature Communications!
October 17: John is selected as one of four 2019 Innovation Award Finalists at SciX 2019. His presentation highlighted his work on “Enhancing Enantioselective Absorption with Plasmonic and Dielectric Metasurfaces.” Congratulations John!
October 15: Loza receives the Biomedical Engineering Society’s Career Development Award and presents her work on bacterial diagnostics at the annual meeting in Philadelphia. Congratulations Loza!
October 8: Congratulations to Chris on the publication of “Sub-20 nm Core–Shell–Shell Nanoparticles for Bright Upconversion and Enhanced Förster Resonant Energy Transfer” in the Journal of the American Chemical Society!
October 1: Jen receives a NIH Director’s New Innovator Award funded through its High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program! See the press release here and here.
September 27: Congratulations to Alan for his collaborative Science paper with the groups of Prof. Stephan Link and Prof. Christy Landes at Rice, “Unraveling the Origin of Chirality from Plasmonic Nanoparticle-protein Complexes.” Read the paper here!
September 26: Loza and other engineering graduate students return from a trip to Ethiopia where they taught local college students about science research and educational opportunities. See the press release.
September 3: Congratulations to Lisa on her paper, “Optical Helicity and Optical Chirality in Free Space and in the Presence of Matter,” now published in Symmetry!
August 28: Jen and Matthew Kanan, Associate Professor of Chemistry, are named co-directors of the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy at Stanford. Congratulations! Stanford News.
August 26-28: Jen, Michal and Mark present at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego.
July 31: Congratulations to Loza on her role as co-Chair of the Gordon Research Seminar on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics, Engineering Nanoscale Light-Matter Interactions for Energy, Communication and Biomedical Applications to be held July 11-12, 2020!
July 30: PTL researchers presented their work at the DOE-EFRC PI meeting in DC on July 29-30. Thanks, DOE BES for organizing a great workshop!
July 28: Daniel, Amr and Katherine attend the Gordon Research Conference, Plasmonically Powered Processes, at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
July 24: Congratulations to Mark on his paper, “Nanoscale nonreciprocity via photon-spin-polarized stimulated Raman scattering,” now published in Nature Communications!
July 9: Congratulations to Alice, Olivia, Chris, Claire, Randy and Stefan on their paper, “Optically Robust and Biocompatible Mechanosensitive Upconverting Nanoparticles,” now published in ACS Central Science!
July 9: Jen presents at the Telluride Science Solar Solutions Workshop in Telluride, CO.
July 8: Dayne Swearer joins the Dionne group as its newest Post Doctoral Researcher!
June 25: Jen presents at ICMAT 2019 Conference in Singapore.
May 28: Jen presents at SPP9 Conference in Copenhagen.
May 19: Jen is awarded the Alan T. Waterman Award from the NSF! Thanks to all the students, postdocs, and colleagues who made this work possible!
May 16: Congratulations to Loza on receiving a Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence (DARE) Doctoral Fellowship!
May 9: Congratulations to Shing Shing Ho for successfully defending her thesis!
May 6: Congratulations to Stefan on his paper, “Small Alkaline-Earth-Based Core/Shell Nanoparticles for Efficient Upconversion,” now published in Nano Letters!
April 17: Congratulations to Michelle and her teammates (Velvet Gaston, Bessie Noll, and Hadiza Felicien) who came in second place at Stanford’s first ever Cleantech Challenge. The winners of a challenge set by Total, Michelle and her team designed a microgrid that Total could use at sites in West Africa.
April 10: Jen is the VINSE Colloquium speaker at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.
April 5-7: The D-Lab brings their ‘SUPR’-powers to the Stanford Universitiy Photonics Retreat in Pt. Reyes. Thanks to SPRC for organizing!
April 3: Congratulations to Jason Casar, who is among this year’s NSF Graduate Research Fellows!
April 3: Jen gives a seminar talk as the Herta Lang Speaker at Renssaelaer Polytechnic Institute in Albany, NY.
April 1: Along with Mark Braverman of Princeton, Jen is awarded the 2019 Alan T. Waterman Award from NSF! This award recognizes her work developing materials and methods to image dynamic physical, chemical and biological processes with high resolution. Thank you Paul McIntyre and Yi Cui for the nomination, and to all students, postdocs, and collaborators for making this research possible! News Release.
March 30: Stefan is named an Ignite Fellow, a program that allows innovators to formulate, develop, and commercialize their ideas. Congratulations, Stefan!
January 30: Alice Lay successfully defends her thesis! Congratulations, soon-to-be doctor Lay!
January 8: Congratulations to Loza for being named on of the Department of Bioengineering’s Agilent Fellows !
January 7: Jen presents at Physics of Quantum Electronics, PQE-2019, in Snowbird, Utah.
January: Congratulations to David, Mark, Jen and graduated lab members Brian and Hadiseh whose book chapter entitled “Parity-Time Symmetric Plasmonics” is now published in Springer’s “Parity-Time Symmetry and It’s Applications”, edited by Jianke Yang and Demetrios Christodoulides.
December 27: Congratulations to Michelle on her paper, “Enantiospecific Optical Enhancement of Chiral Sensing and Separation with Dielectric Metasurfaces,” now published in ACS Photonics!
November 30: Congratulations, Shing-Shing on winning best poster at the Stanford Center for Imaging Industry Affiliates Meeting!
November 9: Jen presents at the Nature Conference on Integrated Nanophotonics in Nanjing! Thank you Alberto Moscatelli for the invitation!!
November 7: Congratulations to Michal on her paper, “In-situ observation of plasmon-controlled photocatalytic dehydrogenation of individual palladium nanoparticles,” now published in Nature Communications!
November 5: Jen and Stefan presented on the lab’s work on upconversion and dielectric metasurfaces at Corning. Thank you Waguih Ishak and Rebecca Schaevitz for the invitation!!
November 1: Welcome to new D-Lab members Claire McLellan and Lisa Poulikakos!
October 26: Jen represented the School of Engineering at the Reunion Weekend Presidents Reception with a talk on chirality.!
October 17: In celebration of National Nanotechnology Day, Katherine, Alice, and John introduced nanoscience and its various applications at the Crystal Springs Uplands Middle School. They then made some liquid nitrogen ice cream, and the students taste tested it against store-bought ice cream to feel how “nano” crystals affect the texture of ice cream. Thanks to teacher Rob Kashima for hosting, and Angela Hwang from SNSF for organizing the event!
August 27: Congratulations to Katherine on her paper, “Visualizing Facet-Dependent Hydrogenation Dynamics i Individual Palladium Nanoparticles,” now published in Nano Letters!
August 23: Katherine, Alice and Chris (below), as well as Michal, Randy and Jen attend and present at the ACS meeting in Boston!
July 7-13: Amr, David, Fariah, Katherine, Loza, Mark, Michal and Shing-Shing attend and present at the Gordon Research Seminar on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics held in Newry, ME and attend the Conference held immediately following! Jen serves as Vice-Chair of the Conference. She will Chair the next meeting in two years, and Loza will chair the Gordon Research Seminar!
June 29: The DOE announces a new Energy Frontier Research Center, Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits (PTL). The Center includes researchers from Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, Caltech, and UIUC, with Jen serving as Director! Read the press release here!
June 23-29: Alice attends and presents at the Gordon Research Seminar on Bioanalytical Sensors held in Newport, RI and attends the Conference held immediately following.
June 21: Congratulations to Alice on her paper, “Bright, Mechanosensitive Upconversion with Cubic-Phase Heteroepitaxial Core–Shell Nanoparticles,” now published in Nano Letters! Article.
June 16: Katherine is awarded a Centennial Teaching Assistant Award for being an outstanding TA in undergraduate physics courses!
May 24: Jen gives an invited seminar talk at UC Irvine’s Chemistry Department. Thank you Ara Apkarian and Venkat Bommisetty for the invitation!
May 17: Fariah is awarded a DARE (Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence fellowship!
May 2: Congratulations to Fariah on her paper, “In-situ visualization of solute-driven phase coexistence within individual nanorods” published in Nature Communications! Article.
March 28: Congratulations to Michael on his paper, “Improving Quantum Yield of Upconverting Nanoparticles in Aqueous Media via Emission Sensitization” published in Nano Letters! Article.
March 9: Congratulations to Michal, Michelle, David and Mark on the publication of “Roadmap on Plasmonics,“ in the Journal of Optics! Article.
March 3: The Group headed to the mountains for a winter retreat amid the biggest snow storm of the season!
January 29: Congratulations to David on his paper, “Broadband and wide-angle nonreciprocity with a non-Hermitian metamaterial,” published in Physical Review B! Article.
January 25: Congratulations to Mark on his paper, “Nonreciprocal Flat Optics with Silicon Metasurfaces” published in Nano Letters! Article.
January 24: Congratulations to David on his paper, “Broadband and wide-angle nonreciprocity with a non-Hermitian metamaterial,” published in Physical Review B! Article.
January 8: Congratulations to Diane and Michelle on their paper, “Chemically Responsive Elastomers Exhibiting Unity-Order Refractive Index Modulation,” now published in Advanced Materials! Article.
January 6: Chris is awarded a Kodak Research Fellowship. Congratulations Chris!
December 25: Congratulations to our alum, Dr. Tarun Narayan on his wedding!
December 19: Congratulations to Randy on his latest paper, “Nanomaterials for in vivo Imaging of Mechanical Forces and Electrical Fields,” now published in Nature Review Materials! Article.
December 1: Jen presents at the Frontiers of Electroceramics workshop at MIT. Thank you Harry Tuller for the invitation!
November 26: David, Alice, Katherine and Jen attend the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting in Boston!
November 20: Jen gives an invited talk at the School of Engineering retreat. Thank you Dean Widom for the invitation!
November 8: Jen is named one of the 2017 Moore Inventor Fellows! The press release is here.
November 7: Stefan, Randy, Alice and Jen attend the SHIFT 2017 Conference in Tenerife, Spain. Congratulations to Alice on winning the best oral presentation award in the bio session!
October 4: Jen is named one of Science News’ 10 Scientists to Watch! The article is here!
September 25: Yang’s paper, “Nanoscopic Control and Quantification of Enantioselective Optical Forces” is published in Nature Nanotechnology! Article.
September 20: Shing Shing is selected as a winner of the poster competition at the Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grant Program!
September 15: Congratulations to Daniel for winning an NSF research grant!
September 1: Welcome to the new D-Lab members Jack Hu and Loza Tadesse!
August 26: Congratulations to Chris on his wedding!
August 19: Jen, Mark, Alice and David attend SPIE in San Diego. Congratulations to David on being named a finalist for the SPIE best paper award!
August 7: Neal Jean presents joint work with Shing Shing at the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) and wins a workshop poster award. Congratulations Neal and Shing-Shing!
July: The Group heads to Monterey for our annual summer retreat and Spartan Race! Go Rea, David, Michelle, Chris and Randy!
June 25: Jen, Shing Shing, Yang, Michal and Michelle attend the Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonically-Powered Processes in Hong Kong. Thanks to Martin Moskovits and Luat Vuong for organizing a great week!
June 17: Congratulations to our newest doctors, Michael, Justin and Brian!!
June 13: Alice’s paper is published in Nano Letters! “Upconverting Nanoparticles as Optical Sensors of Nano- to Micron-Newton Forces” Article.
June 12: The Dionne Lab wins Stanford’s Inaugural Catalyst Grant to develop a rapid diagnostic for bacterial blood stream infections. Congratulations to Amr, Shing-Shing, and our collaborators in the Schools of Medicine and Business!
June 7: Alice is accepted to the inaugural Creativity in Research Scholars Program, hosted through Stanford’s!
April 17: Jen receives an Outstanding Young Investigator Award by the Materials Research Society! Thank you to her nominators and to the MRS!
April 4: Jen is named a PMSE (polymeric materials: science and engineering) Outstanding Young Investigator at the Spring 2017 ACS meeting. Thank you ACS and PMSE!
April 3: Jen is awarded the Nano Letters Young Investigator Lectureship!
January 19: Michael Wisser defends his PhD! Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Wisser!
January 16: Congratulations to Fariah on the publication of her paper on Direct visualization of hydrogen absorption dynamics in individual palladium nanoparticles in Nature Communications!
December 12: Congratulations to Shing Shing on the publication of her paper on enhancing enantioselective absorption using dielectric nano spheres in ACS Photonics!
December 15: Justin Briggs and Brian Baum both successfully defend their theses! Congratulations, soon-to-be doctors!
December 8: The D-Lab is featured on the Nanovation podcast. Thanks, Mike Filler for hosting us!!
November 27: Yang attends fall MRS and gives an invited talk on the D-Lab’s work to enhance enantioselective optical forces.
October 19: Jen and Miriam are awarded a BioX seed grant. The press release is here. Let the worm-feeding feast begin!
September 26: Welcome to the newest D-Lab member, Hugo Vinh Dionne Vu, 7lbs, 9oz.
September 22: Jen welcomes new freshman to campus during NSO week, presenting a plenary lecture during the “Engaging with Faculty” series.
September 20: Jen presents the D-Lab’s work on upconversion at LBL. Thanks, Bruce Cohen for hosting a terrific visit to the hill!
August 29: The D-Lab hits San Diego as part of SPIE. Jen, Brian, Michael, Alice, and Alex all present their work and get a tour of BioLegend from the founder and CEO. Thanks, Gene for hosting us!
August 15: Jen presents an invited talk at ISSPIC XVIII in Finland! Thank you, Hannu Hakkinen for the invitation.
August 15: Jen and collaborators are funded by NSF’s EFRI NEW-Law, a new center led by Lan Yang at WashU in St. Louis!
July 22: Jen attends SciFoo at the GooglePlex. Thanks to Nature, Digital Media, and O’Rielly for co-hosting a great weekend, where Jen, Chris Schuh, and Polina Anikeeva shared “Why materials matter.”
July 11: Andrea, Guru, Shing-Shing and Jen attend the plasmonics GRC. Jen presents on the group’s use on in-situ TEM and EELS to visualize ion intercalation thermodynamics, and is also elected as vice-chair of the next plasmonics Gordon!
June 26: Jen taught a class on nanomaterials for medical applications to Stanford Medical Youth Science Program (SYMSP) participants.
June 19: Fariah, Yang, and Jen attend the Noble Metal Nanoparticles Gordon Conference at Mount Holyoke College! The conference was a great mix of chemistry and plasmonics. Thanks to conference organizers Catherine Murphy and Stephan Link!
June 12: Alex, Tarun, and Diane graduate! At the Materials Science and Department ceremony, Tarun is awarded the Robert W. Huggins award, and Jen wins the Tau Beta Pi teaching award! Everyone enjoyed a pool party after commencement to celebrate the graduates.
June 10: The D-Lab celebrates the end of spring quarter with a hike at Stinson Beach!
June 9: Michael, Justin, and Guru represent the D-Lab in the Fundamentals of Light Matter Interactions symposium at CLEO in San Jose!
May 27: Hadiseh and Brian’s paper on multiplexing with PT-symmetric coaxial waveguides is published in Physical Review B! Article.
May 24: Diane successfully defends her thesis, “Better Together: Composite Nanomaterials for Improving Upconversion and Dynamically Tunable Refractive Indices.” Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Wu!
April 20: The D-Lab hits all the high notes at karaoke to celebrate Tarun’s last night in California! Read more on our blog. Good luck in your new post-doc position at University of Maryland, Dr. Tarun!
April 18: Tarun and Andrea’s paper on imaging intercalation in palladium nanoparticles with sub-particle resolution is published in Nature Materials! Article.
April 16: Jen is awarded the 2016 Nano Letters Young Investigator Lectureship!
April 1: Not an April Fool’s Joke – Michelle and Katherine are awarded the NDSEG Fellowship!
March 29: Katherine, Tyler, and Alex are awarded the NSF Graduate Fellowship!
March 18: Alice wins a Poster Session Award for the Stanford Bio-X IIP Symposium on February 17. Congratulations, Alice!
March 10: Tarun successfully defends his thesis, “Visualizing energy-relevant phase transformations within individual PdH nanoparticles.” Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Narayan!
February 24: Michelle, Alex, Fariah, Alice run demos at the “Light, Photonics, Fun!” mother-daughter event hosted by Women in Photonics at the Sunnyvale Library. Thanks for the invitation, Priya! We had so much fun!
February 23: Yang’s paper on enantioselective optical trapping is published in ACS Photonics! Article.
February 16: Randy Mehlenbacher joins our lab as postdoctoral scholar. Welcome, Randy!
February 5: Justin’s paper on CMOS-compatible plasmonic titanium nitride is published in Applied Physics Letters! Article.
January 4-8: Snowbird, here we come! Jen represents the D-Lab’s work at the PQE conference. Thanks, Peter Nordlander and Naomi Halas for the invitation and all science buddies for a great time skiing/snowshoeing!
December 4: Jen presents at the Boston University Photonics Symposium, organized by Bjorn Reinhard. Thanks, Bjorn for leading a great symposium!!
December 1-3: Fall MRS is in full swing! Jen presents an invited talk in the “Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion” symposium, led by Congjun Wang.
November 18-20: D-Lab Bootcamp is in full swing, with Team “Dino-Mite” led by Alice, Team “Party-time symmetry” led by Brian, Team “David Bowie And The Teen TitaNs” led by Justin, Team “Stop and Go with the Flow” led by Amr, and Team UC/sensitized emissions led by Michael. Congratulations to Justin and his team for winning “best bootcamp” 0f 2015!
November 5: Brian represents the D-Lab at the Rethink Disruption Conference in SF!
November 2-3: Jen presented seminars at the University of Chicago and Northwestern. Thank you, Norbert Scherer, Mark Hersam, David Dunand, and Mike Bedzyk for organizing my visits!
October 21: Jen, with Prof. Harald Geissen and Prof. Luis Liz-Marzan delivered an ACS Photonics Webinar on the “past, present, and future of photonics and plasmonics.” Thank you Carlos, Harry, and Teri for the opportunity!
October 20: Jen gave an invited talk at AVS San Jose. Thank you, Wei David Wei for the invitation!
October 17: Congratulations to Yang Zhao on winning the Carl Anderson Division of Laser Science Award from APS!
October 16: Jen is one of six plenary speakers at the third LAST Festival. Thanks, Piero, for organizing a great art/science/technology rendezvous!
September 17: Jen helped welcome new students to Stanford with her “Engaging with Faculty” talk: Global Challenges, Nanoscale Solutions. Wishing all first-years a blast on the farm!
September 15: Jen presented at the World Materials Research Forum in Livermore, CA. Thanks, Dr. Robert Maxwell for the invitation!
September 9-11: Jen and Luke Sweatlock organized the “Optical and Mechanical Metamaterials” symposium for the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering meeting. Thanks to Sasha, Andrea, Chris, and Julia for giving outstanding talks!
September 3-4: Diane, Michael, Katherine, Guru, and Jen head to Caltech for the DOE-EFRC LMI meeting. Check out Michael’s blog post here!
August 26: Jen presented her experiences pursuing a career in academia to SOE students and postdocs in the Career Development Center. Thanks, Lance, for the invitation.
August 24, 2015: The D-Lab teaches a module on Materials Science and Engineering to SSEA students. Thanks Diane, Yang, Brian, Amr, and Vladan for serving as TAs!
August 16-18, 2015: Jen delivered an invited talk on Tarun and Andrea’s work at ACS Boston. Thank you, Grant Johnson, for the invitation!
August 11-13, 2015: The D-Lab explores bioluminescence in Pt. Reyes!
August 4-7, 2015: Amr, Hadiseh, D-Lab alum Aitzol, and Jen present at this year’s Meta Conference in NYC. Thanks, Jake and Luat for the invitation!
July 17, 2015: Jen teaches high-school students about new optical methods to sort enantiomers, trap proteins, and treat cancer at this year’s Stanford Youth Medical Science Program.
June 27, 2015: Jen is featured on Heidi Norton’s blog, Beta Pleated Chic. See the article here!
June 14, 2015: Ashwin, Jon, Hadiseh, and Amr graduate!!! CONGRATULATIONS! The D-Lab is so proud of you!
June 5, 2015: Hadiseh’s paper on controlling electric, magnetic, and chiral dipolar emission is published in Physical Review B! Article.
May 29-31, 2015: Alice, Yang, and Jen participate in the Foresight workshop on “atomic Scale Precision for Medicine.”
May 19, 2015: Jen presents on the D-Lab’s work at the IEEE SFBA Nanotechnology Council Symposium “The promise and progress of Nanophotonics”
May 11, 2015: Jen’s work is featured by Sam Scott in Stanford Magazine! Thank you Sam for a great article! The Improbable World of Jennifer Dionne: How one young professor is bending light and making the invisible visible.
May 11, 2015: Amr successfully defends his thesis: “Toward direct optical manipulation of nanoscale specimens with coaxial plasmonic tweezers”! Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Saleh! See his presentation here!
May 1, 2015: Jen is awarded a Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award. Thank you, Dreyfus Foundation!
April 25, 2015: Jen gave an overview of the D-Lab’s research at this year’s Admit Expo for admitted freshman. Hopefully they will join the Farm this fall!
April 16, 2015: Hadiseh successfully defends her thesis: “Metafluids and Parity-Time symmetric metamaterials: New optical material phases and phenomena”! Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Alaeian! See her presentation here!
April 7, 2015: Ashwin’s paper on nano-optical tomography is published in the advanced online version of Nature Nanotechnology! See the article here and the press release here. Also, view the News and Views by Marek Malac.
April 7, 2015: The D-Lab was well-represented at MRS, with presentations from Hadiseh, Brian, Yang, Alice, Guru, Shign-Shing, Michael, Andrea, Tarun, Jen, and Ashwin! Congratulation to Hadiseh for receiving a Graduate Student Award and Shing-Shing for winning a best poster award!
April 1, 2015: Congratulations to Guru on his wedding!
March 16, 2015: Jon successfully defends his thesis, “Plasmon nanoparticles in the quantum size regime”! Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Scholl! See his presentation here!
March 17, 2015: Jen gave an invited seminar to the Berkeley Chemistry department. Thank you Paul and Naomi for the invitation and very fun day!
March 16, 2015: Ashwin successfully defends his thesis: “Controlling light at the nanoscale for broadband metamaterials, efficient solar cells and subwavelength 3D imaging”! Congratulations, soon-to-be Dr. Atre! See his presentation here!
March 12, 2015: Jen gave an invited seminar to the UO Physics department. Thank you Miriam and Shannon for hosting a fun visit!
March 2, 2015: Jen presented an invited seminar at the APS spring meeting in San Antonio, Texas. The talk was featured on Doug Natelson’s blog.
February 18, 2015: Michael’s work on upconversion is published in Nano Letters! Article.
February 12, 2015: Jen is awarded a Sloan Foundation Fellowship!
February 10, 2015: Brian’s paper on design of a nanoscale absorber-amplifier is published in Applied Physics Letters! Article.
January 26, 2015: Jen presented at the AP/MSE colloquium series at Caltech. Thank you, Julia for hosting my visit!
January 1, 2015: Jen is featured in a Nature New Year’s article, “Hopes for the Year Ahead”! Read the article here.
November 30-December 5, 2014: Tarun, Amr, and Guru presented their work at Fall MRS in Boston.
November 12-14, 2014: Ashwin presented an invited talk on his nano-optical tomography work at the OSA incubator on the Fundamental limits of optical energy, in Washington, DC.
October 25, 2014: Jen taught a course on Nanophotonics at Classes Without Quizzes during Stanford’s Reunion Homecoming.
September 23-24, 2014: The D-Lab’s solar team attended the LMI-EFRC kick-off meeting at Caltech, where Ashwin presented an invited talk on his nano-optical tomography work.
September 14: The D-Lab hits the waters on a lake trip and welcomes its newest member, Marcus Minh Dionne Vu.
September 7: Andrea and Tarun’s paper on PdH nanoparticle phase transitions is published in Nature Materials! Article. Stanford Press Release.
September 2: Jon presented an invited talk at NFO, Salt Lake City, on quantum plasmonic metamaterials.
August 25: Jen and Alex Weber-Bargioni co-chaired a session on Nanophotonics at the annual LBL User Meeting. Thanks to all speakers for making the session a success!
August 13: Jen presented an invited talk at ACS San Francisco, highlighting Andrea and Tarun’s in-situ TEM work. Thank you, Jill Millstone for the invitation!
July 18: Jen presented an invited seminar at the University of Oregon. Thank you, Shannon Boettcher, for organizing a terrific visit to Eugene!
July 9-14: Jen presented a series of lectures to RISE and SMYSP summer high-school interns at Stanford on nanooptics, solar energy, and medical treatments. Good luck in lab, RISE and SMYSP participants!
July 11: The D-Lab makes a splash on a float trip down Russian River. Check out Ashwin’s video here: No Summertime Sadness!
June 24: The LMI-EFRC on light-matter interactions for improved solar energy is renewed! The D-Lab is very excited to be a part of this renewal, bringing together researchers from Caltech, Berkeley, Harvard, UIUC, and Stanford.
June 7: Jen, Alice, Brian, and Guru shared the group’s work at the first LAST (Life Art Science Technology) festival organized by Piero Scaruffi, alongside notable luminaries including Alvy Ray Smith, Co-founder of Pixar, Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google, Daniel Kaufman, Director of the Information Innovation Office at DARPA, and Chris McKay, Chief Planetary Scientist at NASA Ames. Thank you, Piero, for organizing a stimulating festival!
June 4: Andrea delivered an invited talk on plasmon catalysis at the Canadian Chemistry Conference in Vancouver. Thank you, Ian Burgess, for organizing the symposium!
June 3: Ashwin delivered an invited talk on cathodoluminescence tomography at the first annual Electron Beam Spectroscopy workshop in Amsterdam. Thank you, Albert Polman and Javier Garcia Abajo for organizing this workshop!
May 27: Aitzol globe-trotted to Singapore and Australia, presenting two invited talks at Meta 2014 on non-Hermitian nano photonics and nanoantenna-enhanced CD spectroscopy, and another colloquium at Macquarie University on PT nanoantennas. His science has gone global!
May 21: Jen presented the group’s work at the SunShot summit in Anaheim, CA. Thank you, DOE for organizing an enriching workshop and review!
April 23: Jon wins the MRS Gold Student award for his work on Quantum Plasmonic Materials and Metamaterials! Is that a smile we see during the ceremony? Congratulations Jon!!
April 22: MRS week is upon us! Jen delivered the opening invited talk in the ‘Emerging Nanophotonic Materials and Devices’ symposium, while Brian, Jon, Ashwin, Hadiseh, Tarun, Michael, and Diane shared the group’s research on up conversion, non-Hermitian nanophotonics, quantum plasmonics, and nano-optical tomography in talks and posters throughout the week.
April 17: Jen presented at the Berkeley Materials Science seminar. Thank you, Jie Yao and Mark Asta, for organizing my visit! Go bears!
April 14: The D-Lab is awarded a PECASE! Jen got to tour the White House and meet President Obama! Thank you, DOD and NSF for the nomination!
April 4: Jen presented at the Ohio University Physics colloquium. Thank you, Sasha Govorov and Ken Hicks for the invitation and great visit!
March 21: The D-Lab is highlighted in GCEP’s newsletter. Read the interview with Jen here.
March 17: Hadiseh’s paper is published in Physical Review A! Article: “Parity-time-symmetric plasmonic metamaterials”
March 10: Jen presented at UIUC’s Materials Science colloquium. Thank you, Prof. Cecilia Lea for hosting me and organizing a fun and stimulating visit!
March 8: Jen, Diane, and Justin participated in the Physics of Sustainable Energy Conference at Berkeley – a lively discussion on next-generation renewable energy technologies. Thank you Barbara and Rob for the invitation to share our work on solar upconversion!
February 27: Hadiseh’s paper is published in Physical Review B! Article: “Non-Hermitian nanophotonic and plasmonic waveguides”
February 6-9: The D-Lab hits the slopes at our third annual Tahoe ski trip. Thanks to Andrea for organizing the trip!
February 5: Jen presented an invited talk at Photonics West on Broadband Metamaterials.
January 24: Jen presented an invited talk at the CIFAR-funded workshop on ‘Energy, Biology, and Technology.’ Thanks to Ted Sargent for hosting a very stimulating workshop!
January 22: Congratulations to Tarun for passing his qualifying exam! Not more than an hour later, he was back on the TEM!
January 8-10: The D-Lab completes another successful bootcamp!
January 6: The Dionne lab welcomes new members Alice Lay and Shing-Shing Ho!
December 23: Jen receives the PECASE! Thank you, DOD and NSF!
December 12: Jen and Ashwin presented at the second annual SCHWAMI Stanford-Chalmers workshop in Sweden. Thanks, Eva and Bob for organizing this workshop!
December 9: Ashwin gave a poster on nanoscale optical tomography, and Jen presented on our group’s up conversion work at the Next-Gen PV conference in Erlangen. Thanks, Silke, for organizing a wonderful conference!
December 2-4: Jen presented two invited talks at MRS on our group’s work on PT symmetry and up conversion! Thanks, Ashwin, Michael, Diane, Hadiseh, and Brian for the great results!
December 1: Jen was awarded the inaugural Kavli early career award in nano science!
October 11-21: Jen gave invited presentations at Harvard and Rice. Thanks, Marko and Isabelle for organizing my visits!
October 1: The Dionne lab welcomes new postdoctoral fellows, Yang Zhao from UT Austin, and Guru Naik, from Purdue. It’s great to have you on board!
September 23: The Dionne lab welcomes new rotation students, Isaac Kauvar, Alice Lay, and Shing-Shing Ho! Welcome to Stanford, guys!
September 20: Jen attends the Materials and Optics Workshop at the University of Oregon, and presents an invited talk on our group’s latest research. The science was so engaging, she may almost cheer for the ducks this fall.
September 19: New freshman arrive on campus! Jen introduces them to nano tech with her NSO lecture, “Global Challenges, Nanoscle Solutions.” Welcome, freshman!
September 15: Jen presented an invited talk at the Metamaterials Conference in Bordeaux. Thank you, Andrea Alu, for the invitation and for organizing a great conference!
September 15: Jen presented an invited talk at the Metamaterials Conference in Bordeaux. Thank you, Andrea Alu, for the invitation and for organizing a great conference!
August 30: Our summer intern Kevin presented his summer research on mechanically-tunable metamaterials at Stanford’s REU poster session. Congratulations, Kevin!
August 21: Jen gave an invited presentation at the OSA’s incubator meeting on quantum plasmonics. Many thanks to the organizers, including Garnett Bryant, Edo Waks, and Joachim Krenn!
August 9: Our high-school teacher intern, Jenny, presented her summer project at the ISMEE gathering. Congratulations, Jenny!
August 6: Sassan’s paper is published in Nano Letters Article: “A Metafluid Exhibiting Strong Optical Magnetism”
August 1: Our research is highlighted by Oprah on her “Wow List” Article: “50 things that will make you say ‘Wow!‘” We’re #24, even beating Smitten ice-cream!
July 30: Andre and Tarun presented their research at the DOE SCGF conference, held at SLAC and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs!
July 30: Jen instructed a course on quantum plasmonics at the third Summer School on Plasmonics, held in Cargese, France. Thank you, Nicolas Bonod, for organizing a fantastic week!
July 19: Jen gave an invited talk at Spectra Physics. Thank you, Alan, for the invitation and lab tour!
July 15: Jen instructed a course on plasmonics for medicine at Stanford’s Medical Youth Summer Program (SMYSP). Congratulations to all summer high-school students who graduated from SMYSP!
June 30: Diane was selected to attend the 2013 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Chemistry! Congratulations, Diane!
June 15: Our broadband metamaterial design is featured on the front page of reddit with nearly 3900 up-votes! One redditor says: “You just made me more excited about a technology I hadn’t known about 5 minutes ago, than I’ve ever been at any technology ever.” Congratulations, Ashwin, Aitzol, and Hadiseh, and thanks, Reddit! Reddit Link.
June 10: Aitzo’s paper is published in Physical Review B! Article: “Surface-enhanced circular dichroism spectroscopy mediated by nonchiral nanoantennas”
June 5: Jen delivered the inagural Leonardo Art/Science (LASER) talk at Berkeley. Thank you, Piero, for organizing an outstanding gathering! Leonardo On Line.
June 4: Dennis Kwon from Mythbuster gave a presentation on “Mythssion Impossible” to Jen’s Science of the Impossible Class. Thanks, Dennis, for an inspiring lecture!
May 10: Jen delivered an invited seminar at Caltech. Thank you, Keith, for the invitation!
April 29: Jen presented an invited talk on upconversion at SPIE DSS in Baltimore. Thank you, Kimberly, for the invitation!
April 19: Jen was selected to deliver the Magicus lecure at Cornell. Thank you Christian and Carol for being such gracious hosts!
April 13: Jen and Andre attended SUPR – Stanford’s Photonics Retreat – in beautiful Napa! Thank you, SUPR team, for the invitation to present!
April 12: Jen was invited to deliver the Nano Seminar at Berkeley! Thank you, Avi, for planning my visit!
April 4: The D-Lab takes on MRS SF! Jen gives an invited talk in the quantum plasmonics session, while Michael, Andrea, Jon, and Hadiseh present their work on upconversion, catalysis, PT-symmetric metamaterials, and electron tunneling in plasmonic systems. Congratulations also to poster presenters Ashwin, Diane, Justin, Aitzol, and Sassan!
March 29: Justin’s paper is publised in Journal of Applied Physics! Article: “Narrow-bandwidth solar upconversion: Case studies of existing systems and generalized fundamental limits”
March 27: Jen gave an invited talk at Argonne National Lab. Thank you Elena for the invitation and awesome visit!
March 19: Ashwin and Aitzol’s paper on design of broadband metamaterials is publised online in Advanced Optical Materials! Article: “A Broadband Negative Index Metamaterial at Optical Frequencies”
March 19: Jen presented an invited talk at Meta 2013 in Dubai.
March 4-9: Jen presented invited talks the US Government-sponsored workshop on Metamaterials and at UCSB (Electrical Engineering).
February 18: Jen presented an invited talk on the upconversion work of Ashwin, Justin, Michael, and Diane at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy in Freiburg, Germany. Thanks to Prof. J.C. Goldschmidt for organizing the workshop!
February 1: Jen gave an invited talk featuring Sassan, Hadiseh, and Aitzol’s work on “optical frequency magnetism” at SLAC.
January 15: Welcome to new D-Lab members, Andre Esteva and Tarun Narayan!
January 10: Jen gave seminars at UT Austin and the University of Washington. Thanks to the organizers for very fun visits!
January 1-7: Jen presented the opening invited talk in the Quantum Plasmonics Session at NanoMeta, featuring Jon, Aitzol, and Ai Leen’s recent Nano Letters paper.
December 17: Jon’s paper is accepted to Nano Letters! Congratulations Jon, and co-authors Aitzol and Ai Leen! Article: “Observation of Quantum Tunneling between Two Plasmonic Nanoparticles”
December 12: Congratulations to Michael Wisser, our group’s newest Ph.D. Candidate!
December 10: Justin and Jen both present at the Workshop on Nanophotonics in Trieste, Italy!
November 7: Jen presented an invited seminar at LBL’s Molecular Foundry.
October 15: Amr’s paper is accepted to Nano Letters! Article: “Toward efficient optical trapping of sub-10-nm particles with coaxial plasmonic apertures“. Stanford Engineering Commentary: “New optical tweezers trap speciments just a few nanometers across”
October 1: Jen presented the colloquium talk at FOM-Institute AMOLF on “Quantum Plasmons and Magnetic Metafluids.”
September 30: The D-Lab heads to Amsterdam to work with Prof. Albert Polman’s group. Thank you, Albert!
September 20: Jen delivered an invited talk to engineering freshman at New Student Orientation on “Global Challenges, Nanoscale Solutions.” Welcome, freshman!!
September 17-19: The D-Lab’s first annual bootcamp is on! Thanks to the entire D-team for making the camp a success!
September 12: Jen was invited to participate in the National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium!
September 10: The Dionne group is awarded a LDRD Proposal from SLAC to investigate “Single Particle Plasmon Catalysis.” Thank you, SLAC and DOE!
August 19: The MRS Bulletin on Plasmonics is out! Congratulations to Brian for making the cover, and thanks to co-editor Harry Atwater!. “Plasmonics: Metal-worthy methods and materials in nanophotonics”
August 9: Jen presented invited talks at the NanoPV workshop at CU Boulder, and at SPIE in San Diego.
August 4: Jen participated in Scifoo. Thank you, O’Reilly, Google, and Nature for the invitation and awesome weekend!
July 21: Diane, Jon, Amr, Justin host a booth at Stanford’s EDay, while Jen delivers a class on “Light, Nano, Action!”
July 13: The D-Lab conquers Old La Honda and Tunitas Creek on a bike ride to the ocean, fueled by Bucks.
June 21: Jen presented an invited talk at the Noble Metal Nanoparticles Gordon conference!
June 19: Hadiseh’s paper is accepted in Optics Express! Article: “Plasmon nanoparticle superlattices as optical-frequency magnetic metamaterials”
June 14: Justin and Diane presented a poster on upconversion at the DOE SunShot Summit in Colorado!
June 10: Ashwin will present an invited talk at the Gordon Research Symposium of the Plasmonics GRC!!
May 15: Jen presented an invited talk at the Triservice Metamaterials Review.
April 26: Congratualtions to Justin on receiving a 2012 DOE SCGF fellowship!!
April 21: Congratualtions to 2012 NSF fellowship recipients Brian, Diane, and Justin!!
April 21: Jen served as a mentor for Bay Area students at She++, the first annual conference for women in technology. Congratulations to all the amazing Stanford students who organized the event!
April 19: Jen receives the Outstanding Young Alum award from her undergraduate alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis!
April 17: Jen presented an invited talk at the SPIE conference in Brussles!
April 10: With Dr. Luke Sweatlock and Dr. Jao van de Lagemaat, Jen helped organize the “Plasmonic Materials & Metamaterials” Symposium of MRS.
April 8: Jen presented an invited talk at the Frontiers of Plasmonics conference in Chengdu, China.
March 22: Jon’s paper is published as the cover article in Nature!
Article: “Quantum plasmon resonances of individual metallic nanoparticles”
News & Views: “Plasmons go Quantum”
Commentary: “Plasmons resonate in atomic-scale metal particles”
March 16: The Dionne Group holds its official Lab-Warming Party! Thanks to Alan from Princeton Instruments for generously funding the event!
February 17: Jen has been selected to receive the Outstanding Young Alum award from her undergraduate alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis!
January 31: Jen is awarded a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation!
January 12: Ashwin and Hadiseh each have invited articles published in the “Green Photonics” issue of the Journal of Optics: “Towards high efficiency upconversion with plasmonic nanostructures” and “Optimized light absorption in Si wire array solar cells”
January 5: Amr’s paper on efficient plasmonic gain is published in Physical Review B! “Waveguides with a silver lining: Low threshold gain and giant modal gain in active cylindrical and coaxial plasmonic devices”
December 22: Jen was elected a member of Lawrence Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry Executive Committee.
December 16: The D-Lab takes the ice at Palo Alto’s Winter Lodge!
December 12: Jen presented an invited talk at the Next Generation Solar Energy Conference in Erlangen, Germany.
December 7: Congratulations to Brian Baum, our newest Ph.D. Candidate!
November 6: Congratulations to Diane and Ashwin, who competed in the Marin Olympic triathlon! Ashwin finished 1st in his age group!
November 6: The Dionne group participated in the first annual Bay Area Science Festival, introducing ~20,000 attendees to “Nano-optics: More than meets the eye.”
October 27: Jen presented an invited talk at the Institute for the Future’s Technology Horizons fall research exchange.
October 18: Jen was invited to present at the Emerging Technologies (EmTech) conference at MIT.
October 12: Jen presented an invited talk at the IEEE Photonics Society in Arlington, VA
September 22: Jen presented a plenary talk to Stanford freshman at New Student Orientation on “Global Challenges, Nanoscale Solutions.”
September 15: Jen Dionne and Harry Atwater have been selected to organize an MRS Bulletin on Plasmonics! The magazine is due for publication in August, 2012!
September 8: In collaboration with the McGehee group, the Dionne group is awarded a grant from the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy!
September 6: The Dionne group is awarded a grant from SLAC and the Department of Energy to develop high-frequency magnetic metamaterials!
September 1: In collaboration with Bosch, the Dionne group is awarded a SunShot grant from the Department of Energy to develop new upconverting materials for solar cells!
August 23: Jen is selected as a TR35: one of Technology Review’s 35 researchers under 35, “tackling important problems in transformative ways.” Read more here: “TR35”
August 5: Congratulations to Sassan and Aitzol for their paper on magnetic and electric Fano resonances, published in Nano Letters!
August 4: Ashwin’s paper on Solar Upconversion is published in the Journal of Applied Physics! “Realistic Upconverter Enhanced Solar Cells”
August 1: Congratulations to Sassan for winning an ACC (American Competitiveness in Chemistry) NSF Fellowship!
July 7: Our research is featured in Technology Review! “Solar Cells that See Red”
June 28: In collaboration with Prof. Alberto Salleo, the Dionne group is awarded a GCEP grant!!
June 20: The Dionne Group welcomes summer undergraduate researcher, Justin Doane!! Justin will join Ashwin on synthesis of plasmonic/polymeric upconverters.
June 17: The Dionne Group officially welcomes new graduate students Diane Wu and Brian Baum!!
June 17: Jen is awarded a Hellman Faculty Scholar Award!
June 16: Jen has been invited to serve on the programme committee for the SPIE Europe conference on Metamaterials, 2012.
April 25: Jon Scholl and Ashwin Atre present their research at MRS!
April 21: Jen presented an invited talk at the Villa Metamaterials conference in Las Vegas.
March 1: Jen has been invited to join the International Advisory Board for the 2012 CIMTEC “Progress in Metamaterials” conference in Italy.
February 1: The Dionne Group welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Andrea Baldi from the VU University of Amsterdam and Delft. Andrea joins as a YES!-Fellow, funded by FOM-AMOLF to explore plasmon-enhanced energy conversion!
January 21: Jen presented an invited talk at Photonics West in San Francisco.
January 15: The Dionne Group welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Aitzol Garcia from Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CSIC) and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) in San Sebastia. Aitzol joins us funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish government.
January 15: Lab construction is nearly complete! See updated photos here:
January 1: Jen presented an invited talk at NanoMeta in Seefeld, Tirol.
December 13: Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate, Jon Scholl!!
December 10: Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate, Ashwin Atre!!
October 28: Jen has been selected to recieve an AFOSR Young Investigator Grant! See the press release here.
October 20: The Dionne group has received a seed grant from Northrop Grumman!
October 1: The Dionne group has received a seed grant from Intel.
September 22: Jen presented an invited talk at the International Conference on Energy Conversion (ORCAS 2010), a workshop hosted by the University of Washington featuring researchers from SunPower, Solamer, University of Tokyo, UW, Cornell, Stanford, Imperial College London, and PNNL, among others.
September 1: Jen has been appointed an affiliate faculty member of the Precourt Institute for Energy.
August 20: Jen chaired a successful thesis defense in Chemistry. Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Welsher of Professor Dai’s research group!
August 16: The D-Group welcomes it’s newest member, postdoctoral fellow Sassan Sheikholeslami! Sassan joins us after completing his Ph. D. in Chemistry at U.C. Berkeley.
August 14: Mission accomplished: The Dionne group hikes Mission Peak in Fremont, CA.
August 12: Lab construction is officially underway! Click on the thumbnails for a higher-resolution image, compliments of Amr!
July 26: Jen’s book proposal, “Introduction to Solar Photonics” has been officially approved by Taylor and Francis publishing group! Jen will be co-authoring this book with Dr. Luke Sweatlock of Northrop Grumman.
July 23: Jen was one of four invited speakers at the US Government sponsored workshop on “Emerging Technologies: Plasmonics” held in Arlington, VA.
July 1: The Dionne Group welcomes new graduate student, Laura Huntley!!
June 12-18: Jen participated in the plasmonics Gordon Conference, held at Colby College in Maine. Jen was invited to serve as a panel speaker and discussion leader for the Gordon-Kenan Research Symposium, a discussion leader of “Active Plasmonics,” and a speaker on “Plasmon Photocatalysis.”
April 5-9: Jen Dionne is organizing the “plasmonic materials and metematerials” symposium of the Spring Materials Research Society Conference meeting in San Francisco. The symposium will feature over 28 national and international invited speakers, an all-day tutorial on “Chiral and Slow Light Metamaterials”, a Kavli Lecture plenary session by Harry Atwater (“Bending Light to Our Will: Nanophotonic Structures for Terawatt-scale Solar Energy Conversion”), and a plasmonic nanoparticle art exhibit by San-Francisco artist and TED Fellow Kate Nichols. Symposium co-organizers include Luke Sweatlock of Northrup Grumman, Gennady Shvets of UT Austin, and Luke Lee of UC Berkeley.
March 26: Jen served on a successful MatSci thesis defense committee. Congratulations to Dr. Cheng-Han Yang of Professor Harris’ research group!
March 22: The Dionne group welcomes rotation student Jammie Peng!
March 19: The Dionne group welcomes new graduate students, Ashwin Atre and Jonathan Scholl!
March 12: Jen is named a Robert N. Noyce Family Faculty Fellow!
March 1: Jen Dionne joins the faculty of Stanford University as Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. She has also been awarded a Terman Fellowship.
February: The Dionne group welcomes new graduate students, Amr Essawi and Hadiseh Alaeian!
January 20: Hadiseh Alaeian successfully passes her EE qualifying exam! Congratulations, Hadiseh!
The Dionne Group is continuously seeking motivated graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to contribute to fundamental and applied research in the area of plasmonic and nanocrystalline metamaterials. Specific research areas include optical sensing of neural transmission, plasmon-enhanced photocatalysis, and the electrodynamics of coupled plasmon-quantum dot systems. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in materials science, physics, applied physics, engineering, or optics. Prior experience in nanofabrication, nanocrystal synthesis, or biofunctionalization is advantageous but not required. Interested applicants should send a CV, a one-page research statement, and a list of three references to Professor Jen Dionne.