This seashell could help improve nanotechnologies, fiber optic cables and more: Cody’s work on heart cockles–recently published in Nature Communications–was highlighted by NPR and the Economist Listen to Cody and colleagues discuss it on NPR, and read about it in The Economist!
Samantha Hornback: Meet OSA/Optical Fellow Jen Dionne: For outstanding contributions to nanophotonics, including methods to image, sense, and direct chemical and biological processes with high spatial resolution, 2021
M.E. Turiansky, A. Alkauskas & C.G. Van de Walle: Spinning up quantum defects in 2D materials, Nature Materials News & Views, April 2020
Taylor Kubota: Stanford researchers shine light on the defects responsible for messy behavior in quantum materials, Stanford News, February 2020
Bill Snyder: The fight against bacterial infections enters the 21st century, Stanford Engineering, December 2019
Mark Golden: Jennifer Dionne and Matthew Kanan to lead TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy, Stanford News, August 2019
Taylor Kubota: Stanford researchers developing technologies that run on light, Stanford News, July 2019
NSF Media Affairs: National Science Foundation names Jennifer Dionne and Mark Braverman its 2019 Alan T. Waterman awardees, National Science Foundation, May 2019
Wiley Analytical Science News: A curious way with light, January 2019
Nathan Collins: Two New Energy Frontier Research Centers at Stanford, Stanford News, July 2018
Emily Conover: Jennifer Dionne harnesses light to illuminate nano landscapes, Science News, October 2017
Taylor Kabuta: Stanford researchers developing new technique that uses light to separate mirrored molecules, Stanford News, September 2017
Aulden Foltz: Researchers test nanoparticle sensors in microscopic worms, Stanford Daily, January 2017
Taylor Kubota: Real-time scans of self-healing nanoparticles show their energy storage potential, Stanford News, January 2017
Taylor Kubota: In Stanford study, worms dine on nanoparticles to help test biological force sensor technology, Stanford News, January 2017
Bjorn Carey: Stanford engineers look inside nanoparticles to explore how their shape improves energy storage, Stanford News, April 2016
Heidi Norton: The Science of the Impossible: Teleportation, Optical Tweezing, and Grad Students Making Time for Hobbies, Beta Pleated Chic, June 2015
Sam Scott: The Improbable World of Jennifer Dionne: How one young professor is bending light and making the invisible visible, Stanford Magazine, May 2015
Bjorn Carey and Leslie Willoughby: Stanford engineers devise optical method for producing high-res, 3-D images of nanoscale objects, Stanford News, April 2015
AMOLF News: Nanoscale optical tomography using electrons, April 2015
Bjorn Carey: Stanford engineers help describe key mechanism in energy and information storage, Stanford News, September 2014
DIFFER news: Measuring hydrogen uptake by a single palladium nanoparticle, September 2014
TG Techno: Understanding hydrogen uptake by a single palladium nanoparticle, September 2014