News & PressPress


This seashell could help improve nanotechnologies, fiber optic cables and more: Cody’s work on heart cockles–recently published in Nature Communications–was highlighted by NPR and the Economist  Listen to Cody and colleagues discuss it on NPR, and read about it in The Economist!


Samantha Hornback: Meet OSA/Optical Fellow Jen Dionne: For outstanding contributions to nanophotonics, including methods to image, sense, and direct chemical and biological processes with high spatial resolution, 2021

M.E. Turiansky, A. Alkauskas & C.G. Van de Walle: Spinning up quantum defects in 2D materials, Nature Materials News & Views, April 2020

Taylor Kubota: Stanford researchers shine light on the defects responsible for messy behavior in quantum materials, Stanford News, February 2020


Bill Snyder: The fight against bacterial infections enters the 21st century, Stanford Engineering, December 2019

Mark Golden: Jennifer Dionne and Matthew Kanan to lead TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy, Stanford News, August 2019

Taylor Kubota: Stanford researchers developing technologies that run on light, Stanford News, July 2019

NSF Media Affairs: National Science Foundation names Jennifer Dionne and Mark Braverman its 2019 Alan T. Waterman awardees, National Science Foundation, May 2019

Wiley Analytical Science News: A curious way with light, January 2019


Nathan Collins: Two New Energy Frontier Research Centers at Stanford, Stanford News, July 2018
